Rogachi, zapriazhennye v eti telegi, Zdorovennye kriazhistye byki, rostom chut nizhe obychnogo drakha, no vdvoe shire Spinoj, flegmatichno perestavliali massivnye kopyta, ne obrashchaia na okruzhaiushchee Nikakogo vnimaniia Iz nozdrej s ...
Along parallel lines, Ina Borrmann's Das Verschwinden der Zeit (The Disappearance of Time) (Germany), programmed in the MDR Premieres, recounts the director's own memories of a first love that occurred at the beginning of summer bvacation/b when she was 16. How much these memories counted ... Titled Valka zukov brogachi/b (The Battle of the Stag-Beetles) (Russia, 1909), the film was inspired by a viewing of Emile Cohl's Les allumettes animées (Animated Matches) (France, 1908). ...
Rogachi, zapriazhennye v eti telegi, Zdorovennye kriazhistye byki, rostom chut nizhe obychnogo drakha, no vdvoe shire Spinoj, flegmatichno perestavliali massivnye kopyta, ne obrashchaia na okruzhaiushchee Nikakogo vnimaniia Iz nozdrej s ...